all postcodes in UB1 / SOUTHALL

find any address or company within the UB1 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB1 3AD 5 5 51.506852 -0.375221
UB1 3AE 12 0 51.507222 -0.377268
UB1 3AF 19 14 51.507799 -0.369611
UB1 3AG 1 1 51.506906 -0.377798
UB1 3AH 10 0 51.507354 -0.375722
UB1 3AJ 50 2 51.50788 -0.372108
UB1 3AL 40 0 51.508301 -0.368195
UB1 3AN 23 0 51.508237 -0.36618
UB1 3AP 38 0 51.509045 -0.362822
UB1 3AQ 6 0 51.50718 -0.37678
UB1 3AR 15 0 51.509947 -0.362307
UB1 3AS 17 0 51.508903 -0.365565
UB1 3AT 51 0 51.510115 -0.364801
UB1 3AU 13 0 51.509582 -0.363293
UB1 3AW 36 0 51.508496 -0.364124
UB1 3AX 31 0 51.509398 -0.364942
UB1 3AY 14 1 51.508849 -0.366201
UB1 3AZ 18 0 51.510139 -0.366436
UB1 3BH 7 0 51.508526 -0.375925
UB1 3BL 19 0 51.509238 -0.375453